You can add up to 3 pricing packages to your WD Listings via your dashboard. If your business is also featured in any of our articles, these packages will also appear with your article feature listings as well.
Add Packages
- Log in to your WD Vendor Dashboard.
- Once logged in, click on the Packages Section of the dashboard.
3. Click on the +Add Package button
4. You can then add details of your first pricing package such as Package Name, Package Price etc.
5. Click on the Add New Detail button to add up to 10 bullet points of package details to your pricing package.
6. Once you’ve added all necessary details of your first package, click on the – Package 1 text right above the Package Name to collapse the package panel.
7. Click on + Add Package to add another package. You can add up to 3 pricing packages per profile page.
8. Click on the Submit button to save your package information.
Note: In most cases, the packages will starting appearing on your profile pages and article feature listings within a few minutes. However, in some cases it can take up to 24 hours for your packages to reflect on your live listings.
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