Deb Stallard Marriage Celebrant


Choosing a Celebrant? Where to start? Prices vary a lot but choose someone with a few years of experience and attention to small details to make the ceremony run smoothly! Not always the most expensive is the best…choose the one that loves what they do… one that helps you feel at ease for this big day!

Vendor Profile - Deb Stallard

Deb Stallard


If you don't know where to start I can Help! You can keep them secret from each other... throw me your ideas in your own ways of thinking & talking and i will guide the process! Humor is great...makes you relax & have a laugh and it is the unique way you have of being with each other! I'd love the chance to guide you!
I never stand between don't need me there in gorgeous "you two " photos! I stand to the side...I offer an on site prac. pre the day to help settle those nerves and plan for all the details to make the ceremony run smoothly! Let's see what we can negotiate!
Yes...I bring battery powered Amp for ceremony so all can hear! I don't have USB port, but I do have adapter for Iphone or Samsung phone units and i ask you nominate a person to stand with the phone to push buttons on the day. That is important so you use the fave downloads of the music versions you love.
Yes please...we both need to be happy with personalities and planning details...i like to make all stress-free and can work around hours if we need to .
I love either...and i can be flexible and work with your ideas. The importance is you as a couple or a family and how you see yourselves celebrating the occasion! No obligation for a chat!

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