In recent years I have become fascinated by the technique of Mokume Gane. This is not my first encounter with Japanese art and culture. In Israel when I was sixteen years old, I learnt Shotokan Karate with Sensei Bob Batwin, and in 1989 passed my examination for san-dan (third black belt) with Sensei Ichikawa in Tokyo. Later, again in Israel, I was an instructor and had over a hundred students.
The combination of Mokume Gane and Shotokan Karate creates an unusual fusion: both more than just a job, together forming a way of life. They have a lot in common: the process of making Mokume Gane involves a dialogue between the maker and the metals he is working with. And it’s only if the metals are handled in a certain gentle way that suits their properties, will the final result become a whole fused piece. The same can be said of Karate—the practise of which sets up a dialogue with the soul, an inner journey. The fusion here is between the inner and outer person.
I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of creating pieces using this technique, and dedicate a large amount of my time to this engrossing subject