Sally Cant Celebrant

Rowville, Victoria, 3178


A Civil Celebrant and ritual maker, a corporate MC, and a published author - ‘The Heart and Soul of Celebrancy' and the newly released ‘Conversations About Death'.
(And for a short time I was proudly an Authorised Celebrant under the Marriage Equality Act 2013 - which sadly doesn't exist anymore).

I recently became engaged to my partner Di - on the 15th November 2017 - in readiness for our marriage when the law finally change.

I am used to speaking at large gatherings and events - weddings, funerals, conferences etc - as well as the smaller intimate gatherings. So if you are after someone who is confident in front of a large gathering please don't hesitate to call me.

I am the the owner of Life Skills Training Pty Ltd - a Registered Training Organisation - The Celebrants Training College, the owner/director of Sally Cant Consulting - an IT consultant, a member of the National Speakers Association of Aust, a founding board member of FIMAC (Funeral Industry Ministerial Advisory Council), Vice President of The Natural Death Advocacy Network, a University lecturer, an award winning artist and a mother of three. I conduct myself in any of these areas, personal or professional, with integrity and with a high degree of ethics. And although I adhere to the Code of Practice that has been set down by the Attorney General's Dept for all celebrants I have always worked within Best Practice guidelines.

I am a President of an Association - ‘Celebrants Association of Australia Inc' - and a member of a number of associations including a Member of CCGA (Monash), the Funeral Celebrants Association Australia, Australia Marriage Celebrants Inc. and the ACMCV Victorian Association and I have the following insurances - Public Liability and Professional Indemnity.

I have had a successful business career, with the skills learnt during that time helping me to communicate well with people and understand their needs. I am a vocal and highly visible advocate for the Celebrant Industry, a stanch advocate, and passionate about, social justice, the environment and discrimination issues. I am on a number of Boards, Advisory Boards, committees and charity work.

Vendor Profile - Sally Cant


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