Lee-Anne Bennett Celebrant

29 Powell Dr, East, Gawler, South Australia, 5118


Lee=Anne can assist you to plan your wedding and is a celebrant who will work with you to create the ceremony you've always dreamt of full of Love, Warmth, and Inclusion?

No wedding is too big or too small, formal or boho, themed or even fancy dress, Lee-Anne is your woman!!!
(She has her own T Rex Costume!)

If your love river deep, mountain high and you want to renew your vows please contact Lee-Anne to assist with these events too?

Lee-Anne loves a great party and is always happy to participate in themed events.

Do you have a special destination in mind? Lee-Anne has a passport and is happy to travel.

Lee-Anne can also loan you an Arbor and other styling items too.

Vendor Profile - Lee-Anne Bennett

Lee-Anne Bennett
Lee-Anne can create a loving, creative, joyous ceremony for you including your love story, and the emotion you want to share with each other and your guests.

Always one to enjoy a good dress up, themed events are welcome. (she has her own T Rex Costume!!)

Lee-Anne can assist you to create a formal or boho feel and has some styling items you are welcome to use.

Based in Gawler, but she is happy to travel in any direction.

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