GPO Box 339, Hobart, Tasmania, 7001
Have you considered hiring the same limo to pick up the boys and drop them at your service ,then collect the girls and bring them to the service; then onto photos and then on to your reception - overall it will work out better value for money, otherwise how would the boys get to the service? The same limo can do the journey and then go back to get the girls etc etc.
It is wiser to book the limo at least 15 minutes earlier than you need, to allow for the time to have photos and be shown how to get in and out gracefully in your wedding dress, as well helping the bridesmaids etc & maybe some photos . No one needs the extra stress caused by inadequate time, so add an extra 15-30 minutes beyond the completion time at the end of the day.
As with everything on your wedding day, you only get one go at getting things right, so don't try to rush your hire times. It doesn't pay in the long run ,book a little extra time just in case.
Super stretch limo's are great - not only can they fit everyone in together for are a festive experience on wheels, but they usually work out a lot better value than a few smaller cars. When booking a super stretch that will sit 10 or more passengers, ask if they have a 5th. bridal door - These will make it a lot easier for the large group in formal attire to get in and out - The 5th bridal door is a extra door that is on the passenger side of the limo half way along